The Raven’s Plight (12)- A New Warden

Gossip buzzes like a hive throughout the meal hall. Piecemeal theories among the tables invoke a danger she hasn’t felt since the Wardens implemented their tattle tale policy. Those who had the revered information held treasure fit for royalty. No one trusted anyone, no corner of the building was safe from prying eyes. Most wanted …

Continue reading The Raven’s Plight (12)- A New Warden

After Treason (36)- A Night to Remember (I)

The palace springs to life with visitors from all over the kingdom. But her anxiety grows as her role switches from ignored daughter to celebrity. People she doesn’t know retell stories of her childhood. Or recount adventures of them and her father as a rambunctious youth. The more sombre guests whisper condolences for her mother. …

Continue reading After Treason (36)- A Night to Remember (I)

Raven Plight (10) – To Hunt a Hare

Content Warning: mild swearing. The chirp of coach’s whistle orders the end of the practice. His lungs hurt, his muscles ache, but after their successful play, he feels unstoppable. The team hustles to the showers leaving Conor behind as the sun dips behind the mountains. Whatever exuberance pumping through his body is short lived as …

Continue reading Raven Plight (10) – To Hunt a Hare

The Raven’s Plight (9) – A Surgeon’s Fatal Cut

Content Warning: This chapter contains depictions of abuse, medical procedures, death and grief. If this is uncomfortable or something you wish to avoid scroll to the bottom for a trigger free summary. Natalie strolls through the hall clutching her bag to her chest. From the corner of her eye, she spies Siobhan whispering with a …

Continue reading The Raven’s Plight (9) – A Surgeon’s Fatal Cut

The Raven’s Plight (6) – The Wraith At His Side

His locker opens with a screech, unleashing an avalanche of notebooks and grammar study guides onto the floor. He plucks the wayward pencil case from behind the dirty shoes and shove it into his backpack. Better toss the notebooks in too, for good measure. An abandoned sweater attempts to escape. But he slams the door …

Continue reading The Raven’s Plight (6) – The Wraith At His Side

The Raven’s Plight (5) – The Patient in the Front Row

Content Warning: This chapter contains depictions of abuse and medical procedures. If this is uncomfortable or something you wish to avoid scroll to the bottom for a trigger free summary. She follows in measured steps behind a group of students towards the English room. The girls, in skirts and warm fashionable sweaters, giggle with a …

Continue reading The Raven’s Plight (5) – The Patient in the Front Row

The Raven’s Plight (4) – Raven at the Crossroads

The mist retreats into the shadows as the morning sun peers through the branches. The only sound on the trail is his feet hitting the worn path. Glimmers of ghostly fingers taunt him from the mist’s edge, but he shakes the nightmare from his mind. Since childhood it was his bed mate. It’s grasping claws …

Continue reading The Raven’s Plight (4) – Raven at the Crossroads